Macrophage |
| Large phagocytic cells of the blood or lymph systems that can engulf particles or small organisms. |
Mechanism of Action |
| The specific manner by which a substance causes a particular effect. |
Metabolism |
| The conversion of a chemical from one form to another. It is also known as biotransformation. |
Metabolite |
| A chemical produced when a substance is metabolized by a biological organism. |
Mg/kg |
| A commonly used dose that stands for mg of a substance per kg of body weight. |
Mg/kg/day |
| A commonly used dosage that stands for mg of a substance per kg of body weight on a daily basis. |
Mg/M3 |
| An exposure unit used to express concentrations of particulates in the air, standing for milligrams of compound per cubic meter of air. |
Microgram (µg) |
| A commonly used unit of weight consisting of one millionth (1 x 10-6) of a gram. |
Microsomes |
| The subcellular organelles that are a part of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. |
Milligram (mg) |
| The most commonly used unit of measure in medicine and toxicity consisting of one thousandth of a gram (1x10-3 g). |
Monooxygenase |
| Enzyme system (such as cytochrome P450 ) involved in the oxidation of compounds. |