Elimination |
| The toxicokinetic process responsible for the removal or expulsion of a substance from the body. |
Endocytosis |
| The process whereby a substance is engulfed and taken into a cell by an inward folding of the cell membrane, which detaches and moves into the cytoplasm. |
Enterohepatic circulation |
| Also known as enterohepatic recirculation. The cycling of a substance from the blood into the liver, then into the bile and gastrointestinal tract. This is followed by re-uptake into the blood stream from the gastrointestinal tract, possibly after chemical or enzymatic breakdown. |
Enzyme |
| A protein formed in living cells that acts as a catalyst for chemical reactions in cells. |
Enzyme Activation |
| The increase in levels of an enzyme as the result of stimulation by another chemical substance. Same as enzyme induction. |
Enzyme Inhibitor |
| A substance which causes a decrease in levels of an enzyme. |
Epidermis |
| The outer layer of the skin. Also known as epithelium. |
Equilibrium |
| A state of balance. Opposing forces exactly counteract each other. |
Excretion |
| A process whereby substances (or metabolites) are eliminated from the body. |
Exposure |
| Contact with a foreign substance, usually by inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact. |
Exposure Dose |
| The amount of a substance to which a person is subjected. |