Target Organ |
| An organ in which a xenobiotic exerts a toxic effect. |
TD0 |
| Toxic Dose 0%. The estimated dose none of the population is expected to exhibit toxic effects. |
TD50 |
| Toxic Dose 50%. The estimated dose at which 50% of the population exhibit toxic effects. |
TD90 |
| Toxic Dose 90%. The estimated dose at which 90% of the population exhibit toxic effects. |
Teratogen |
| A compound that causes birth defects in a developing fetus. |
Teratogenesis |
| The process by which a substance causes the abnormal development of tissues or organs in a developing fetus. |
Teratogenicity |
| The development of birth defects as the result of exposure to a teratogenic toxicant. |
Therapeutic Index (TI) |
| The ratio of the dose needed to produce the desired therapeutic response to the dose producing toxicity. |
Threshold Dose |
| The dose at which a toxic effect is first encountered. |
Threshold Limit Value (TLV) |
| A recommendation by the ACGIH for the highest level of exposure to a chemical that is safe. |
| see Threshold Limit Value |
Tolerance |
| The ability to endure unusually large doses of a substance without ill effect. Toxic effects are decreased with continued exposure to the substance. |
Total Dose |
| The sum of all individual doses which may be received over a period of time. |
Toxicant |
| An agent that produces adverse effects when absorbed into the body. |
Toxicokinetics |
| The pharmacokinetics of a toxic chemical. |
Toxicologist |
| A person who studies harmful effects of chemicals including the mechanisms by which the effects are produced and the probability that the effects will occur under specific exposure conditions. |
Toxicology |
| The study of the harmful interactions of chemicals on living organisms and biological systems. |
Toxin |
| A specific protein produced by certain plants, animals and microorganisms that is highly toxic to other organisms (snake venom). |
| Toxic Substances Control Act. It is federal law regulating chemicals in the environment. It is administered by the Environmental Protection Agency. |
Tumor |
| see Neoplasm |