F0 Generation
The initial parent generation in a multi-generation reproduction study.
F1 Generation
The first filial generation (offspring) in a multi-generation reproduction study.  It is produced by breeding individuals of the F0 generation.
F2 Generation
The second filial generation (offspring) in a multi-generation reproduction study.  It is produced by breeding individuals of the F1 generation.
Food And Drug Administration.  A federal agency responsible for the safety evaluation of drugs, cosmetics, food additives, and medical devices.
Femtogram (fg)
An extremely minute quantity, 1x10-15 gram.
The unborn offspring in the postembryonic period, after major structures have been outlined.  In humans this occurs from 8-9 weeks after conception until birth.
The formation of scar tissue in an organ, generally by replacement of functional organ cells by non-functional fibrous tissue.
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act.  A federal law, administered by the EPA, to evaluate and register pesticides.