Safety Certification Exam Preparation

Safety Certification Exam Preparation

Useful Links

Safety Posters Australia Description: Workplace health and safety posters covering fire, industrial and occupational.

Occupational Safety and Health Academy (Malaysia) With technical expertise as diverse and complex as the sites and facilities of its clients, OSHA is strategically positioned to help the regulated community manage a wide range of technical and regulatory issues related to past, present and future operations.

Small Business Loans Research a variety of loan options and find the right small business loan for your company.

Actuarial Jobs - Great graduate career opportunities with Actuarial Jobs at Hewitt UK

Work Accident Solicitors MyClaim – Personal injury solicitors with specialist knowledge in work accidents

Nursing Jobs The easiest way to find the latest UK nursing vacancies.

Legal JobsThe easiest way to find the latest UK legal vacancies.

Healthcare Jobs The easiest way to find the latest UK healthcare vacancies.

Steel BuildingsContact steel building experts in your state at City Steel Buildings.

OSHA Agencies

Canadian Centre for OSH
Environmental Protection Agency
Federal OSHA

OSHA State Plans

Arizona (AOSHA)
California (CAL-OSHA)
Hawaii (HIOSH)
Indiana (IOSHA)
Iowa (IOSH)
Maryland (MOSH)
Michigan (MI-OSHA)
Minnesota (MN-OSHA)
Nevada (SCATS)
New Jersey (NJDOL)
New Mexico (NM-OSHA)
New York (DOSH)
North Carolina (OSH-NC)
Oregon (OR-OSHA)
Puerto Rico
South Carolina
Tennessee (TOSHA)
Utah (UOSH)
Vermont (VOSHA)
Virginia (VOSH)
Washington (WISHA)


American Industrial Hygiene Conference
Annual ASSE Conference
Behavioral Safety Now Conferences
CCOSH Conferences
European Union (EU) Conferences
Upcoming NIOSH Conferences
Upcoming NSC Conferences
Upcoming NSMS Conferences
Oregon Governor's Safety and Health Conference
OSHA Conferences


California Degree Programs
California Maritime Academy
Center for Occupational & Environmental Health
Eastern Kentucky University Online!
Lawrence Livermore National Lab Training
Oregon State University OSHA Training Institute - PCEC
OTIEC Online Institute


CONN-OSHA Quarterly
MNOSHA Safety Lines
NCDOL Cultivator
OR-OSHA Resource
TOSHA Newsletters
UOSHA Newsletters
WorkSafe™ Magazine
WC Access
Risk Watch


Ergonomics Guidelines - OSHA
eTools - OSHA
Safety Orientation - Hawaii
Online Resources - Illinois
Online Training - Oregon
Industry Inspection Checklist - Kentucky
The Manager's Handbook - Alaska
Developing a Safety and Health Program - Maryland
Workplace Safety Guide - Nevada
Workplace Violence Manual - Hawaii
Dating Safety Rules


Air & Waste Management Association(AWMA)
American Biological Safety Association (BSA)
American Congress of Gov Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH)
American Driver & Traffic Safety Education Assoc. (ADTSEA)
American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)
American Safety and Health Institue (ASHI)
American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE)
Health Physics Society (HPS)
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES)
Institute for Safety and Health Management (ISHM)
National Safety Council (NSC)
National Safety Management Society (NSMS)
Public Agency Risk Management Association (PARMA)
Risk And Insurance Management Society (RIMS)
Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE)
Society for Human Resource Management (SRHM)
Semiconductor Safety Association (SSA)
System Safety Society (SSS)


Oxford University MSDS database
U.S. Dept Commerce
Vermont SIRI MSDS Archive!

Sample Programs

University of Delaware
Lawrence Livermore National Lab ESH Program

Index Library by Subject




"Safety and Health at Work" contains resources on safety, ergonomics and worker's compensation. Includes ergonomic standards updates, archival alerts, facts, tools, checklists, studies, information about state and international ergonomic standards, and links. Provides comparison charts of worker's compensation maximum benefits, types of benefits and temporary total disability benefits by state; links. Provides information about workplace injury recordkeeping; worksite security and bioterrorism; safety incentive and injury discipline policies; and work organization and its impact on safety and health. Safety and Health Toolbox include materials on worker safety and health rights, filing OSHA complaints, safety and health fact sheets, Spanish language resources, construction safety links, worker resources.

Air Conditioning Contractors of America

Lists safety products and manuals available for sale.

Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency

Can download Electrical Safe Practices and Electrical Worker Field Safety.

Alabama Workers' Compensation Division

Contains Workers' Compensation Act; information about ombudsman program and insurance coverage; and guide to benefits and claim filing.

Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development

Worker's Compensation Division contains forms, rates and publications. Labor Standards and Safety Division includes mechanical inspection information; applicable statutes and regulations; Occupational Safety and Health fatality data, training schedule, free consultation contact numbers and draft regulations.

Aluminum Association

Offers for sale guidelines and publications on aluminum safety.

American Boiler Manufacturers Association

Publications catalog includes safety manuals.

American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists

"Products" offers OSHA Compliance, Accident Prevention Manual, Basic Guide to System Safety, Complete Manual of Industrial Safety and other publications for sale. Offers workshops on mold, moisture and remediation.

American Society of Safety Engineers

Professional Safety Journal includes index of articles from archival issues; full-text feature articles from the current and archival issues. Includes news releases and informational brochures organized by safety topic; safety standards documents and standards development information. Offers technical publications on construction safety, electrical safety, fall protection, fire safety, worker's compensation, occupational safety and health, and other topics for sale. "Governmental Affairs" contains updates and policy position statements.

American Traffic Safety Services Association

Contains workzone fatality statistics and interpretation/experimentation letters since 2002. Technical Center contains online Southern Pavement Marking Workshop presentation, workzone safety video for sale, and roadway safety lists. Roadway Safety Training Institute offers courses and certification programs; lists certified flaggers by state.

American Welding Society

Online catalog and bookstore lists safety and health materials available for sale; also provides AWS Safety and Health Fact Sheets.

American Wood Preservers Institute

Contains research reports, articles, brochures and videos on health and safety issues relating to treated and preserved wood.

Arizona Industrial Commission

Labor Department contains forms for complaints, worker's compensation and self-insured employers; labor and wage FAQs. Administrative Law Judge Division contains hearings FAQs. Division of Occupational Safety and Health provides forms, compliance information, statistics; lists free training programs. Links to rules and statutes.

Arizona State Fund Workers' Compensation Insurance

Lists Workers' Compensation offices with addresses and telephone numbers statewide. Includes information and contact numbers for injured workers, policyholders, and medical providers. Lists upcoming seminars.

Arkansas Department of Labor

Safety Division provides Public Employees Chemical Right to Know Act, fatality statistics, consultation request form, list of safety videos available, and issues of the Safety News publication. Elevator Safety Division lists registered elevators and provides elevator safety rules and regulations.

Arkansas Workers' Compensation Commission

Can search for claims, opinions and non-coverage certificates online. Contains forms, rules and regulations, information and other resources.

Asphalt Contractor Online

"Safety Zone" contains archive of safety articles.

Associated Builders and Contractors

Provides safety information and regulatory updates; offers safety materials for sale.

Associated Equipment Distributors

Lists safety publications available for sale.

Associated General Contractors of America

Safety Page offers safety publications and videos for sale; safety training and education; links to new OSHA rules; risk management forms; and mold guidance.

Association of Equipment Manufacturers

"Safety and Training" offers safety manuals and videos for sale; equipment safety seminars; links to safety articles; and list of voluntary safety sign and symbol standards.


Bureau of Reclamation

Safety and Occupational Health Program provides full text of Reclamation Safety and Health Standards and safety directives.


California Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Occupational Safety and Health

Provides safety and health publications, state posting requirements, hazard evaluation fact sheets and booklets, high-hazard employer program information. Includes information about on-site consultations, injury and illness prevention programs, workplace security and the Voluntary Protection Program. Provides crane injury statistics. User's Guide to Cal/OSHA explains California legal requirements for workplace safety and health; Appeals Board procedures and summaries of recent decisions; asbestos standards; list of certified asbestos consultants and certified site surveillance technicians. Division of Workers Compensation includes an overview of the worker's compensation system, guides for injured workers, selected WCAB decisions, reports, schedules, publications and forms, information about construction industry "carve out" programs, Industrial Medical Council treatment guidelines and publications, information about certification for self-insurance plans. Can search or browse full text of Title 8, California Code of Regulations, which includes Cal/OSHA, worker's compensation, labor standards enforcement, and labor statistics and research; link to California Labor Code.

California Department of Transportation

Includes CalTrans Safety and Health Manual.

Center to Protect Workers' Rights

A research and development institute of the AFL-CIO Building and Construction Trades Department that focuses on safety and health in construction. Contains construction site hazard alerts in English and Spanish; safety publications; full text of Construction Chart Book, which focuses on safety and health in the construction industry.


Web-based safety training system for the construction industry that provides online training courses for teams of any size, with built-in verification and record-keeping features. Courses, data access and records can be customized for individual employees. Registered users can view product demo.

Colorado Department of Labor and Employment

Division of Workers' Compensation contains employer and employee FAQs, notices, interpretive bulletins, proposed and adopted rules, publications, guides, Workers' Compensation Act and rules of procedure.

Common Ground Alliance

Can order dig safety videos in English and Spanish; best practices brochures on preventing underground digging damage. Brochures include One Call, Planning and Design, Reporting and Evaluation, Compliance, Public Education, Mapping, Locating and Marking, and Excavation.

Compressed Gas Association

Can view safety bulletins, alerts and posters. Offers Handbook of Compressed Gases for sale.

Connecticut Department of Labor, Division of Occupational Safety and Health

Contains compliance and enforcement information; state OSHA Act; hazard alerts; downloadable quarterly newsletter; information about consulting services; overview of employee rights; public employee complaint form and instructions; state occupational injury, illness and death statistics; links to federal OSHA standards; training; training aids available for loan.

Connecticut Department of Public Health

Includes asbestos standards, regulations and policies; consultant and contractor licensing application forms; list of training providers; abatement activity fee schedule. Lead Poisoning Prevention program contains standards and regulations; prevention, disclosure and technical documents for consultants, lead abatement contractors, renovators and remodelers. Contains Environmental and Occupational Health Reference Guide.

Connecticut Employment Security Appeals Division

Contains instructions and forms for online appeal filing; hearing docket searchable by case number, date, name, location; index of board decisions; employer guide and FAQs; and Unemployment Insurance statutes and regulations.

Construction and Occupational Health Program at the University of Massachusetts

Includes training documents and presentations; ergonomic slides; list of publications; archival issues of research newsletter; and Bright Ideas fact sheets on construction health and safety innovations.

Consumer Product Safety Commission

Contains database of product recall notices organized by product type, company name, product description and date; also contains a publication database organized by topic and title. Can report unsafe products online.

Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association

Provides information about safety programs and links to safety standards available for sale online.


Delaware Department of Insurance

Gives information about the Delaware Employers' Workplace Health and Safety Incentive Program under which employers can earn discounts on worker's compensation insurance by providing a safe workplace.

Delaware Department of Labor

Division of Industrial Affairs contains worker's compensation rules; employer and employee guidelines; information about free OSHA onsite consultations.

Delaware Insurance Department

Provides information on the Delaware Employers' Workplace Health and Safety Incentive Program under which employers can earn discounts on their worker's compensation insurance by providing a safe workplace.

Department of Energy Environment, Safety and Health Information Portal

Lists environmental, safety and health publications related to the energy industry.

Department of Transportation, Office of Hazardous Materials Safety

Contains downloadable safety publications, safety alerts, rules and regulations, international standards, information about exemptions and approvals, list of training classes, Emergency Response Guidebook and other resources. Visitors can download instructions and forms for the Hazardous Materials Registration Program required for all persons and businesses offering or transporting hazardous materials. e-Hazmat allows users to register online for the program; make payments on Enforcement Civil (up to $9,999) and Ticket penalties and on Freedom of Information Act requests; and view penalty action reports.

District of Columbia Department of Employment Services

Provides worker's compensation information and forms; information about worker protection services. Office of Occupational Safety and Health provides information and sample hazard communication program.

Dredging Contractors of America

"Safety" includes safety incident rates, guidance notes and members-only safety resources.


Electronic Library of Construction Occupational Safety and Health

Developed in part by the Center to Protect Workers' Rights and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Contains safety alerts, advisories, fact sheets, checklists, guides and other resources organized by construction trade, type of hazard and type of job site; links to safety regulations; provides information and statistics on illnesses, injuries and disorders; training materials and requirements; safety materials in Spanish and other languages.

Elevator World

"Safety Site" includes elevator safety quiz; elevator safety product reviews; primer on conducting safety meetings; and safety handbook. Bookstore offers elevator construction and maintenance safety materials for sale.

Environmental Protection Agency

National Lead Information Center contains technical information and studies; online training module on minimizing lead-based paint hazards during renovation, remodeling and painting; lead-based paint pre-renovation handbook for contractors, property managers and maintenance personnel; and lead paint safety field guide for painting, home maintenance and renovation work. Offers training courses; information and application forms for lead certification program for workers, supervisors, inspectors, risk assessors and project designers.

Environmental Protection Agency, Chemical Accident Prevention and Risk Management Plan

Offers step-by-step guide to preparing and submitting Risk Management Plans; free official EPA software for facilities to use in submitting Risk Management Plans; guidance documents for propane storage facilities, wastewater treatments plants and warehouses.

Environmental Protection Agency Chemical Data

Provides information about extremely hazardous substances listed as part of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act. Visitors can browse chemical profiles and first aid guides by CAS number or in the alphabetical list of substances. Profiles also provide physical/chemical properties; health, fire and explosion hazards; precautions for safe handling and use; protective equipment for emergency situations; and other data.

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Construction Sector
practice /sector/construction/

Provides links to safety information, statistics, laws and regulations, publications, and other resources for the construction industry available on government Web sites in the European Union member states, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. To access international forums on good practice and workplace safety, click on the "Discussion" link.


Florida Department of Labor and Employment Security

Division of Workers' Compensation provides databases, forms, publications, rules and regulations, claim process overview and FAQs. Job Safety Information provides fatal occupational injuries statistics by industry; links to Safety Florida Consultation program hosted by University of South Florida where visitors can download brochures and presentations, view catalog of videos and other materials available for loan; and fill out an online form to request free consultation.


General Building Contractors of New York State

"Safety" includes safety training, Safety Reports, information about safety award program and Jobsite Safety Talks topical guides.

Georgia Department of Labor

Gives information on free confidential safety and health consultation service. Safety Engineering contains permit and inspection forms, equipment database, and Boiler and Pressure Safety Act and rules.

Georgia Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner

Fire Safety page contains fire safety and construction safety forms; permit and license applications.

Georgia State Board of Workers' Compensation

Provides information about board divisions, recent years' statistics and contact numbers. Can download forms, manuals, employer guidelines, applicable laws and fee schedules.


Hawaii Department of Labor and Industrial Relations

Occupational Safety and Health Division contains standards and regulations; publications; newsletters; information about consultation services; sample Safety and Health Program; and assessment worksheet for determining safety and health conditions in the workplace. Contains workplace appeals board decisions.

Hazardous Area Reference Chart

Provides reference charts for hazardous gases, vapors, dusts, fibers and flyings; temperature classifications; methods of explosion protection; and other charts.


Idaho Division of Building Safety

Industrial Safety Bureau contains general safety and health, boiler and pressure vessel, and elevator and escalator safety rules.

Idaho Industrial Commission

"Quick Guide" contains resources for injured workers and employers, including forms, overview of laws and regulations, benefits information, guides, posters, and listings of upcoming small business information fairs. Provides full text of Workers Compensation Code in PDF.


Free database of Material Data Sheets for plastics; contains more than 40,000 material data sheets searchable by application, product name, generic name, ASTM standard or ISO standard.

Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs

Provides information on OSHA onsite consultation program, procedure guides, list of onsite training courses and statistics.

Illinois Industrial Commission

This agency resolves workers' compensation cases. Contains forms, calendar, FAQs, Handbook on Workers' Compensation and Occupational Diseases, guidelines on accident reporting and claim filing, statistics, information about insurance, full text of the Illinois Workers' Occupational Diseases Act and Workers' Compensation Act.

Indiana Department of Labor

Bureau of Safety Education and Training contains calendar of safety training courses; publications; "top 50 industrial violations" online presentation; and information about free consultations. Occupational Safety and Health Division contains construction safety, industrial safety and industrial hygiene standards; construction safety seasonal guidelines; and Indiana occupational injury and illness statistics.

Indiana Worker's Compensation Board of Indiana

Contains handbook, forms, schedule of hearings, self-insurance forms, Second Injury Fund information, mediator list, proposed rules and Indiana Worker's Compensation Code.

"Interactive Tools" includes Worker's Compensation Insurance Law Tool, which looks up benefits by state that must be paid to permanently or temporarily injured workers and provides summaries of worker's compensation laws in each state.

International Municipal Signal Association

Offers training manuals and study guides for fire alarm systems, flagging, roadway lighting, workzone traffic control and other topics.

International Safety Equipment Association

Provides current safety equipment standards; links to standardization organizations, online buyer's guide, safety equipment manufacturers and safety publications.

Iowa Workforce Development

Labor Services Division provides links to boiler safety code and administrative rules; passenger and freight elevator permit and safety test forms. "Iowa Occupational Safety and Health" provides information about consultation and education services, which include non-enforcement advice on safety and health issues and on-site evaluations; lists safety consultants. Describes 10-hour voluntary compliance certificate for general and construction courses; lists reporting requirements; lists safety training videos and publications available on loan; provides forms and links to federal OSHA resources and to statutes and rules.

Iowa Workforce Development, Workers' Compensation Division

Provides employer and worker FAQs; worker's compensation manual; hearing schedule; reporting and compliance requirements; decisions; claim and reporting compliance handbook; forms; benefit schedule; and statutes and regulations.


Kansas Department of Human Resources

Workers Compensation Division contains employer and employee guides and forms. "ADA and the Workforce" contains links to state and federal ADA resources.

Kentucky Labor Cabinet, Department of Workers' Claims

Provides statutes, regulations, guidebook, other publications, forms, medical fee schedules, self-insurance information and legislative updates.

Kentucky Labor Cabinet, Kentucky Occupational Safety and Health Program

Gives an overview of the services offered by the Kentucky Occupational Safety and Health Program, including free and confidential consultative surveys and longer-term safety partnership programs for smaller employers with a history of high injury/illness rates and higher worker's compensation costs. Includes post-inspection guide; industry checklist; complaint forms; training schedule; descriptions of training courses; and online form to request publications. Contains occupational injuries and illnesses statistics. "What's New" lists proposed regulations and notices; links to full text of statutes, federal and state regulations, and construction industry standards.


Laborers-Employers Cooperation and Education Trust

Provides link to OSHA Construction Industry Digest.

Laborers' Health and Safety Fund of North America

"Occupational Safety and Health" includes construction ergonomics information, bibliographies, fact sheets and extensive links to other safety resources. Provides work zone safety best practices, inspection form and reports; links to reports and resources on lead, noise, silica, work zone safety and other topics.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Environment, Health and Safety Division offers courses in general safety, electrical safety, hazardous materials handling, occupational and industrial hygiene, and waste management.

Louisiana Department of Labor

Workers' compensation section contains information on rules, procedures and complying with the Workers' Compensation Act; downloadable forms and publications; workplace safety information, including a 10-point safety management plan.

Fire Safety Signs - Leosignage is the most extensive and specialist fire, Fire safety signs shop on the internet.

Louisiana Department of Labor

Workers' compensation section contains information on rules, procedures and complying with the Workers' Compensation Act; downloadable forms and publications; workplace safety information, including a 10-point safety management plan.

Louisiana State University, Facility Services

Operating Safety Instructions include asbestos management, use of ladders, handling of hazardous substances, eye and face protection, head protection, forklift operation, job safety analysis, occupational accident/illness reporting, excavation permits.


Maine Bureau of Labor Standards

SafetyWorks! program offers free expert advice and hands-on help relating to health, safety and labor rights.  Includes information about on-site consultations, training, loans for safety improvements; publications, video lending library; statistics; OSHA regulations and requirements.

Maine Workers' Compensation Board

Contains board decisions, forms, compliance reports, medical fee schedule, list of independent medical examiners, and worker's compensation statutes, rules and regulations.

Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation, Division of Labor and Industry

Provides information about Maryland Occupational and Safety Health (MOSH) plan; online safety seminar registration form; free on-site business consultations; boiler and pressure vessel safety inspections.

Maryland Workers' Compensation Commission

Contains forms, instructions, and downloadable brochures; compensation rates; schedule of hearings; contact information.

Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents

Contains guide to the state Workers' Compensation system; employer and employee forms and guides; circular letters; board decisions; rules and regulations.

Massachusetts Department of Labor and Workforce Development, Division of Occupational Safety

Provides information about onsite consultation programs and an online form to request consultative visit; information about asbestos and lead prevention programs; links to OSHA statistics; information about Right to Know law.

This site, presented by the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, provides a wealth of medical information.

Mechanical Contractors Association of America

Publications catalog lists publications on health and safety issues.


Public health reference portal includes information about diseases, conditions, tests, procedures and a medical dictionary. Lists certified poison control centers by state, product recalls by category.

Metals Service Center Institute

"Government News" contains summaries of OSHA's metalworking fluids regulation and forklift training rule. "Training Products" offers safety training program that covers safety issues for metal service centers.

Michigan Bureau of Workplace Safety and Health,

Standards Division provides occupational safety and health standards; rules for construction safety; order form to purchase complete sets of standards; current and archival issues of MIOSHA News quarterly. Consultation Education and Training Division lists programs. Occupational Health Division contains asbestos program accreditation and licensing information; contractor listings; FAQs; forms; brochures; statutes; regulations and rules; and compliance information. MIOSHA Information Division contains occupational injury, illness and fatality data.

Michigan Bureau of Workers' and Unemployment Compensation

Contains downloadable forms, rules, guides, publications and benefit information; "Coverage Questions for Subcontractors, General Contractors, and Independent Contractors"; listings of workers' compensation insurance companies and self-insured employers; self-insurance information and forms. Offers downloadable Workers' Compensation calculation program and program manual.

Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry

Workers' Compensation Division provides employer and employee forms; FAQs; guides; information about independent contractor status in the construction industry; training guides; newsletter; and statutes and rules. Occupational Safety and Health provides information about workplace inspections; occupational safety training; construction breakfast seminars; compliance and consultation programs; Safety Line, a quarterly newsletter that promotes occupational safety and health; state and federal OSHA standards; frequently cited standards for industry and construction; reports; posters; handouts; and hazard alerts.

Minnesota Safety Council

"At Work" lists general and construction-industry-specific training courses for employers and employees by course name and date; lists safety instructors, with contact numbers; and provides online registration form. Provides information about consultation services and consultants; catalog of videos available for borrowing; job safety analysis form and instructions; revised steel erection standard; and legislative updates.

Mississippi Workers' Compensation Commission

Contains contact information; downloadable forms; claimant information brochure; compensation rates; claims, medical fees and self-insurance FAQs. Subscribers can make first report of injury inquiry to see activity history and discovery deadlines; can verify insurance proof of coverage online.

Missouri Department of Insurance

Workers' Compensation information includes FAQs, rates, online rate comparisons, certified MCO list and information about Contractors Credit Premium Adjustment Program.

Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations

Labor and Industrial Relations Commission contains Worker's Compensation decisions from 1996 to present organized by date and searchable by keyword; oral argument and hearing dockets; FAQs; and statutes and regulations. Division of Labor Standards provides information about worker safety and health; free on-site safety and health consultation program. Contains survey of occupational injuries and illnesses. Division of Workers' Compensation provides forms, Workers' Safety video and publication order forms; directory of local offices; and statutes and regulations.

Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Standards

Provides Information about worker safety and health; free on-site safety and health consultation program.

Online mold resource created by the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies. Provides news and issue updates; technical and chemical information about mold; links to EPA guides, resources and documents on mold in residential and commercial buildings. Includes white paper entitled "The Insurance Implications of Toxic Mold Claims"; articles on mold; overview of insurance issues related to mold; links and commentary on mold-related litigation; overview of mold legislation by state, with links to text of bills; overview of mold regulations by state. Contains homeowner tips and resources; directory of environmental, testing, abatement and restoration professionals.

Montana Department of Labor and Industry

Employment Relations has information about worker's compensation, labor standards and safety and health. Safety and Health contains information on OSHA regulations, safety consultation programs and safety training programs.

Montana Workers' Compensation Court

Contains recent and archived Workers' Compenstion Court decisions relating to the Montana Workers' Compensation Act and the Occupational Disease Act. Also links to Montana Supreme Court decisions related to workers' compensation. Contains downloadable court forms, court rules and a trial calendar.

MSDS on the Internet

Online MSDS information portal. Lists free online MSDS resources; government and non-profit sites; and manufacturer and supplier sites. Provides updates; links to OSHA regulations and interpretation letters; glossary; and publications for sale.

MSDS-Search National Repository

Links to manufacturers that post Material Safety Data Sheets for their products online; manafacturers are listed by name and organized alphabetically. Also links to databases of MSDS information provided by government agencies, universities, organizations and businesses; databases are searchable. Includes some foreign language databases. Provides background information on MSDS; links to government, other resources with information on MSDS requirements, safety issues.


National Arborists Association

Lists most common OSHA violations by tree service companies in the last fiscal year. Can view checklist for model company safety program.

National Association of Demolition Contractors

Contains "Lead in Construction" manuals for workers and site supervisors. Offers safety publications and videos for sale.

National Association of Home Builders

Contains online safety books and manuals.  Provides overview, table of contents and online purchase option for "NAHB-OSHA Jobsite Safety Handbook"; offers other safety publications for sale.

National Center for Construction Education and Research

"Safety and Management Education" describes Construction Site Safety Program.  Can view program overview, guidelines, program schedules and download application forms.

National Electrical Contractors Association

Offers for sale safety manuals, guidelines, OSHA standards, sample safety programs for developing company policies, safety expert systems software.

National Elevator Industry

Provides information on confined spaces safety rules, asbestos safety, OSHA forklift regulations.

National Fire Protection Association

Offers OSHA training materials, seminars and videos on fire safety online.

National Fire Sprinkler Association

Can download sprinkler contractor safety bulletins.

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

Provides full text of NIOSH research publications, including occupational safety and health recommendations; evaluations; emerging information about occupational hazards; solutions to specific occupational hazards; pocket guide to chemical hazards; NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods (methods for sampling and analyzing contaminants); and Occupational Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards. Lists training programs, upcoming occupational safety and health conferences. Links to related Web sites by topic. Provides information about health hazard evaluations in which NIOSH investigates whether a particular substance has potentially harmful effects; description of NIOSH patents for safety technology and information about licensing them. "Safety and Health Topics" includes publications on construction safety and health organized by type of hazard or substance; on traumatic occupational injuries, including electrical safety, falls and construction injuries. National Occupational Research Agenda lists NIOSH research priorities.

National Library of Medicine

Visitors can access library catalog, databases, reference information by subject, abstracts from research journals, information about research programs, and directory of health organizations.

National Lightning Safety Institute

Provides information on lightning accidents and incidents, information on personal lightning safety, extensive information on mitigating lightning hazards and references. Also includes information on lightning safety for facilities and structures.

National Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association

Offers for sale OSHA Fall Protection Management Guide; videos on Saw Operation Safety, Back Injury Prevention and HAZMAT training. Lists OSHA compliance seminars. Can view comments on OSHA rulemaking.

National Paint and Coatings Association

Provides information about disposing of leftover paint and removing old lead paint.

National Railroad Construction and Maintenance Association

Offers online railroad worker safety courses.

National Roofing Contractors Association

Lists safety publications and asbestos programs available for sale.

National Safety Council

"Training" offers free Basics of Safety Performance for Small Business course; OSHA training and seminars; online workplace safety, roadway safety and specialty vehicle driver training; construction safety training; and information about advanced safety certificate program. Offers for sale Natural Gas Safety Handbook for utility workers and contractors; construction safety toolbox kit; OSHA compliance software; catalog of safety publications and products for sale. Can view safety design articles and subscribe to Safety and Health magazine. Environmental Health Center provides information on regulations, government activities and facility best practices; risk management; lead-based paint disclosure rule; and database of lead poisoning educational materials. Includes chemical backgrounders, with information about hazardous chemicals, chemical safety and reactivity worksheets.

National Safety Council, Chemical Backgrounders

Web site created by the National Safety Council to provide safety, health and environmental information. Topics include chemical process safety, chemicals, risk management, emergency management, first aid and indoor air quality. Visitors can view selected Material Safety Data Sheets, injury statistics, hazardous chemical profiles, articles and reports, safety regulations, occupational exposure guidelines, emergency response procedures; provides links to organizations, research and training centers.

National Safety Management Society

Offers online training courses for safety management professionals and safety and health management certification program. Can view certification criteria, fee schedules, sample exam questions and download application forms.

National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association

Can download Health Standards for Occupational Noise Exposure in Coal, Metal and Nonmetal Mines issued by the Mine Safety and Health Administration. Includes Hazard Communication Rule Summary and Compliance Primer, NSSGA Material Safety Data Sheets, position papers, articles and comments. Offers safety training.

National Utility Locating Contractors Association

Lists safety publications available for sale; schedules for NULCA-sponsored safety programs.

National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse

Contains safety equipment reports, agency memos, crash/accident and occupational injury statistics, downloadable research, technical publications, links to safety standard resources, training resources, and safety equipment manufacturer database. Work Zone Safety Standards and Practices database includes records of state work zone legislation, specifications, special provisions, construction manuals, and overviews of state and other organizations' work zone safety practices. Provides information on congressional hearings and testimony; federal legislation.

Nebraska Department of Labor, Safety and Labor Standards Division

Provides information on voluntary on-site safety consultations. Includes required federal and state posters; information about the elevator inspection program; forms and information for the boiler safety inspection program; Fatality Assessment Control Evaluation (FACE) program; and workplace safety law.

Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court

Contains Workers' Compensation Act and rules; database of orders and decisions; case summaries; notices of public hearings; employer, employee and other information; forms; listings of medical professionals; and other resources.

Nevada Division of Industrial Relations

Contains worker's compensation forms and brochures; safety training schedules and information; catalog of safety videos available to borrow; safety guides; boiler/pressure vessel permit form. Provides links to Bureau of Labor Statistics data on occupational injuries and illnesses and Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries and Illnesses; full text of the Nevada Occupational Safety and Health Act, Inspection and Safety of Mines Act and Nevada Industrial Insurance Act. Asbestos Abatement Program provides license application, renewal, and asbestos notification forms.

New Hampshire Department of Labor

Safety and Training Division provides information about safety inspections; safety inspection checklist; "A Guide for Developing a Written Safety Program"; downloadable safety summary form; links to safety laws and regulations.

New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, Division of Epidemiology, Environmental and Occupational Health, Occupational Health Service

Provides a list of physicians in the state specializing in occupational and environmental illnesses; information about industrial hygiene and occupational asthma; hazardous substance fact sheets by type of substance. "Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety Resources" provides telephone numbers and Web addresses for asbestos, lead, ADA, worker's compensation, environmental, on-site consultation, training, and other state and federal resources. Contains other publications and guidance materials by type of hazard.

New Mexico Environment Department

Occupational Health and Safety Bureau contains compliance information for employers and employees; statistics; training schedule. Offers consultation services, consultation request form and Onsite Consultation Booklet. Provides Spanish language safety materials; links to OSHA resources; and regulations.

New Mexico Workers' Compensation Administration

Lists local offices with contact information. Provides employer and worker information, forms and publications, rates, online claim forms, workplace safety checklist, list of approved safety consultants, list of approved "proof of coverage" vendors, posting requirements, statutes, rules and regulations.

New York Department of Labor, Division of Safety and Health

Includes information about on-site consultations; full text of Industrial Code Rule 59, which establishes the Workplace Safety and Loss Prevention Program; program requirements; and a list of certified safety consultants. Provides information about units and bureaus, including Asbestos Control Bureau and Boiler Safety Bureau certification and licensing information, applications and laws.

New York Worker's Compensation Board

Lists important phone numbers and directions to service centers.  Includes downloadable forms and publications, selected laws, rules and regulations; self-insurance information for employers; small business guide to worker's compensation, including special rules for contractors; and other information resources for employers and workers.  Offers Electronic Data Interchange service for carriers and self-insured employers.

Nickel Development Institute

Contains full text of the Nickel Health Guide and health status reports.

North American Crane Bureau

Offers lifting equipment safety manuals, videos and simulators for sale; crane safety training; equipment certification programs. Gives schedule of programs, topics covered and fees.

North American Insulation Manufacturers Association

Literature Library includes publications on recommended exposure limits, work practices and respiratory protection when working with fiber glass, rock wool and slag wool insulation products. Health and Safety Partnership Program includes program information, work practices and OSHA letters.

North Carolina Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Division

Provides details of the consultative services offered to employers, including comprehensive on-site safety and health surveys; downloadable request for free consultation. Includes compliance manuals and standards; occupational injury, illness and fatality statistics; industry guides for download; required posters; forms; latest issue of newsletter; downloadable presentation on public sector multi-employer worksites, which includes rule and policy interpretations.

North Carolina Industrial Commission

Contains worker's compensation FAQs; forms; employer and employee publications; business and industry Q&As; Workers' Compensation Court decisions; medical fee schedule; rating guide; statutes, rules and proposed rules.

North Carolina Occupational Safety and Health Education and Research Center

Offers continuing education classes in asbestos, lead, environmental and hazmat safety; industrial hygiene; and occupational medicine. Also offers occupational safety and health summer and winter institutes; industrial hygiene and safety technician certificate programs; onsite training.

North Dakota Occupational Safety and Health Consultation Program

Provides program and contact information, safety publications, and links to regulations.

North Dakota Workforce Safety and Insurance

Contains online claim filing; contact information; information for employers and employees about coverage and benefits, premiums and what to do in the event of an injury; legislation and press releases. Safety/injury prevention section has information about the Risk Management Program, the Safety Partner Initiative, safety education and training, and a downloadable sample safety program for construction companies.


Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Lists states with job safety and health plans, including contact information for each state; information about free consultation service to evaluate potential workplace hazards; full text of safety and health publications, forms, posters and fact sheets; full text of OSHA manuals and safety standards; construction outreach page includes regulations and publications related to the construction industry; recordkeeping regulations, guidelines, forms and letters of interpretation; free download of software advisers, providing interactive information about employment laws and workplace hazards and evaluation; information about how to participate in Voluntary Protection Programs; lists OSHA training courses and other training materials; workplace hazard information by industry or subject; list of nationally recognized testing laboratories; full text of OSH act, regulations and directives; OSHA Review Commission decisions; workplace injury and illness statistics and inspection data.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration Construction Resource Manual

Contains full text of all OSHA requirements for the construction industry.

Occupational Health and Safety Review Commission

The Occupational Health and Safety Review Commission reviews contested citations and penalties resulting from OSHA inspections.  The Web site features decisions made by the full commission and by its administrative law judges (ALJ).  Commission decisions are available in HTML and PDF formats from 1993 to present, listed by year and docket number.  Includes procedural rules and employee guide.

Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation

Provides occupational safety information for employers and employees; information about and forms for filing injury claims; online office locator; list of services available; forms, brochures, fact sheets and publications concerning worker's compensation and safety. "Library" contains video library; employer and worker publications; and safety and hygiene materials aimed at improving workplace safety and reducing insurance rates, which can be downloaded or ordered online. Provides employer and employee glossaries and Q&As. Safety Works program provides information for employers about training, on-site consultation, events and grants for workplace safety improvements.

Ohio Department of Commerce, Bureau of Occupational Safety and Health

On-site Consultation Program and Public Employment Risk Reduction Program provide descriptions of services; lists of consultants and hygienists; online forms to request free OSH and PERRP consultation, training and speaking engagement; construction industry training schedule; list of safety consultants and industrial hygienists; downloadable free posters.

Oklahoma Department of Labor

Provides safety statutes and rules. Includes notices of overdue boiler inspections listed by county; playground safety checklist and handbook. Provides information on workplace safety and OSHA safety consultation services. Statistical Research Unit contains listing of most hazardous industries with hazard codes; can e-mail to request census of fatal occupational injuries and private and public sector occupational injury/illness surveys. Provides worker's compensation statutes, rules, FAQs, forms and guide.

Oklahoma Workers' Compensation Court

Provides reporting and court forms; legislative summaries and notices; employer and employee brochures; seminar schedule; carrier listings; statutes and rules.

Online Health & Safety Training

Our online Health & Safety training system delivers professional and highly effective employee training for less!

Oregon OSHA

Gives addresses and contact information for field offices. Contains standards; downloadable publications; rules and statutes; training materials. Lists conferences, training programs, online courses and other educational opportunities. Can make online request for free on-site training. Describes consultative and other services provided. Contains Safety and the Small Business Employer Instructor and Training Manual; information about Safety Committee Option for Small Construction Employers.

Oregon Workers' Compensation Division, Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services

Contains forms; bulletins; statutes and rules; employer, worker and insurer forms; process overview; notices and other information. Includes claim, litigation and insurance reports and statistics; information on legislation; training listings. Can search database of board cases and orders by date; view bulletins. Includes statutes and rules; index of cases by claimant, subject and year; forms; claims and hearings statistics.


Index of occupational safety and health resources includes sources of information about chemical safety, material safety data sheets, consulting, EHS reports, ergonomics, safety products, construction safety, electrical safety, fire safety, emergency management, major hazard control, risk management, safety management and other issues.  Includes links to U.S. and international government agencies, professional organizations, publications, research institutes and universities.


Contains safety and health publications, forms, checklists, sample programs and links. Includes contractor safety tailgate talks, OSHA information and MSDS links.

Paint Quality Institute

Provides safety guidelines for paint contractors.

Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry

Contains safety, asbestos abatement, lead, boiler and elevator safety laws. Occupational licensing information includes certification information for asbestos and lead professionals, elevator inspectors and boiler and pressure vessel safety inspectors. Workers Compensation provides employer guides; forms; fee schedule; physician list; information for employees; and statutes.

Power and Communication Contractors Association

Offers information about PCCA safety training program.


Scaffold Industry Association

Offers safety training for suspended scaffolds; contains articles about scaffold safety.

Scaffolding, Shoring and Forming Institute, Inc.

Contains recommended procedures for erection and inspection; codes of safe practices for different types of shoring.

South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation

Contains downloadable OSHA posters; record-keeping forms; reporting guidelines; checklists. Offers OSHAGRAM subscription service ($25/year) to quarterly newsletter that provides updates on state and federal occupational safety and health laws. Sets out differences between South Carolina and federal OSHA standards; provides information about the Occupational Health and Safety Review Board, protest and hearing processes. Provides occupational injury and illness data; information memoranda; listing of top violations; complaint form and instructions. Office of OSHA Voluntary Programs provides information about consultation program; training classes; listings of regional training programs; and publications. Office of Elevators and Amusement Rides provides elevator safety inspections information, statutes, regulations, abatement form and code-related FAQs.

South Carolina Workers' Compensation Commission

Provides information about claim filing, benefits, insurance and self-insurance; statutes and regulations; forms and publications.

South Dakota Department of Labor

Labor and Management division contains worker's compensation forms, rules and fee schedule.

Specialized Carriers and Rigging Association

Offers guidelines for crane and other lifting device operators, permit manuals, and crane and rigging reference materials for sale online.

Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance

Contains safety programs, OSHA documents, fire safety guidelines and construction safety guidelines.

Stanford University, Environmental Health and Safety

"Maintenance, Renovation, and Construction Safety" includes health and safety guidelines; plan review tables; contractor safety procedures; and Environmental Health and Safety Guidelines for Project Managers. Provides asbestos program documents, factsheets and link to Asbestos Building Survey Information System.


Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development

Division of Occupational Safety and Health provides information about health and safety compliance and consultative services; seminar schedule; and general industry safety and health standards. Lists 25 most cited violations of construction standards, general industry standards and public sector facilities standards. Provides inspection, injury and fatality statistics; newsletter. Division of Workers' Compensation provides information and forms.

Texas Workers' Compensation Commission

Provides information for employers and employees, guides, appeal panel decisions, minimum/maximum weekly benefits, and publications.

Texas Workers' Compensation Commission, Workers' Health and Safety Division

Provides information about Safety Violations Hot Line, inspections, consultations and review programs for employers; safety education and training programs; safety seminar schedule. Occupational Safety and Health Consultation (OSHCON) program offers free professional consultations to private Texas employers to help identify and eliminate occupational hazards in the workplace.

ToolBase Services: The Home Building Industry's Technical Information Resource

"Safety" includes articles and fact sheets on building materials; job site, fire and occupant safety; contains Selected Construction Regulations (SCOR) for the Home Building Industry (29 CFR §1926).

Trench Safety

Building Science Department at Auburn University offers online trench safety tutorial based on OSHA requirements for construction excavation safety. Contains lesson curriculum; information about online registration and continuing education credit; sample tutorial; trench safety glossary.


Underground Alert Centers (also called One Call, Dig Safe, Miss Utility)

Click here for list of one-call notification centers to assist the public, contractors, utilities and other excavators with statutory requirements to notify underground facility owners before digging. List includes telephone numbers and, if available, Web addresses of centers. Centers bear names such as One Call, Underground Service Alert, Utility Notification Center, Underground Plant Protection/Location, Utilities Protection, Call Before You Dig, Dig Safe and Miss Utility. Web sites of such centers usually provide information about their services and notification laws; addresses and contact numbers; instructions on notification submissions. Many Web sites provide handbooks or guides to the notification process; best practices reports; forms; links to full text of statutes regarding digging; member company listings; technical information; and online notification submission and tracking systems for registered users.

University of California, Los Angeles

Labor Occupational Safety and Health (LOSH) research program lists current research projects and offers educational materials for sale.

University of Massachusetts, Lowell

Work Environment Department at the College of Engineering offers graduate certificate programs in Risk Assessment.  Construction Occupational Health Project includes overview of research activities and list of articles, technical reports and conference publications.

Utah Labor Commission

Division of Industrial Accidents contains employer's and employee's guides to worker's compensation, forms, industrial accident rules, upcoming training events, worker's compensation statistics, bulletins, list of worker's compensation insurance companies for small businesses, information about self-insured program, uninsured employers fund, and employer's reinsurance fund. Safety Division includes safety rules, information about the boiler and elevator safety review programs with contacts, and variance request sample form. Occupational Safety and Health Division contains information about consultation services and compliance inspections, workplace safety checklists, sample safety programs, statistics on occupational injuries, rules and a link to OSHA Construction Resource Manual.


Vermont Department of Labor and Industry, Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Contains safety violation reporting guidelines; ergonomic standards; permissible exposure limits; online information request and consultative visit request forms; other forms; posters; brochures; list of workplace safety videos available for loan; links to other health-related sites; rules, laws and standards.

Vermont Housing and Conservation Board

Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Program includes lead abatement technical and safety publications.

Vermont Safety Information Resources

Contains database of Material Safety Data Sheets for chemicals and chemical-containing products used in construction and other industries searchable by company or product name.  Contains full-text articles on workplace safety and health issues.  Contains links to NIOSH databases, OSHA and EPA regulations; lists of safety and health consultants; discussion board; bookstore.

Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development

State Fire Marshal issues permits for the use, storage and handling of explosives.

Virginia Department of Labor and Industry

Provides information on boiler and pressure vessel safety inspection and certification program information; rules and regulations; forms; technical letters and interpretations. Virginia Occupational Safety and Health Compliance Program contains complaint/report filing guidelines and asbestos and lead forms. Office of Consultation Services offers on-site business safety and health consultation surveys.

Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission

Contains overview of the Workers' Compensation Act, employer and employee pamphlets, database of commission opinions, forms, and instructions on filing a claim.


Washington Department of Labor and Industries

Employer resources include Employer's Guide to Industrial Insurance, Facts about Workers' Compensation Coverage for Construction Contractors, required posters and information about self-insurance program. "Industrial Insurance" includes information for employers, workers and medical providers. Safety and Health Assessment program lists publications and reports on occupational injuries and illnesses. Bureau of Labor Statistics provides Workers' Compensation and safety data. Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation program contains construction industry fatality reports. Site also includes electronic publications and forms by subject; boiler and pressure vessel installation permit form, fees, rules and training links; elevator inspection rules, forms and fees; ergonomics rules, interactive lifting calculator, evaluation checklists and workshop listings by industry; statutes, rules and regulations.

Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act

Employer and employee guides describe rights and responsibilities; give complaint and appeal process overview. Offers online courses and presentations; hazard alert releases; information and resources for hazardous materials, substances and work conditions. Includes ergonomics documents, presentations and workshops; schedule of no-fee safety workshops; list of safety consultants by location; safety and health library information and video catalog; general and industry-specific rules.

Weatherization Assistance Center

Resources for weatherization workers include Lead-Safe Training and Reference Manual.

Western Council of Construction Consumers

Lists workshops offered by the Safety Committee.

West Virginia Bureau of Employment Programs

Workers' Compensation Division contains employer and employee guides, forms, online employer report of injury form, industry group code list, claim filing guide, medical fee schedule, statutes and regulations. Employment Statistics contains OSHA statistics.

West Virginia Division of Labor

Contains information for employers about free OSHA consultation program for workplace safety; boiler and elevator safety FAQs, statutes and forms.

Wisconsin Department of Commerce

Includes Small Business Guide to Managing Safety and Health.

Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services, Occupational Health

Contains safety updates; information about OSHA Consultation Program, which provides free onsite consultations to help employers comply with the federal Occupational Safety and Health Act; and links to federal and state resources. Provides asbestos and lead abatement rules and regulations; certification application, notification and registration forms. Lists asbestos and lead inspectors, abatement contractors and training providers. Gives certification requirements for all categories of professionals; exam schedule; information about lead-free property registration; and information about Wisconsin Asbestos Lead Database Online (WALDO).

Workers Compensation LawFirms
Workers Compensation Law is the only exclusive Workers Compensation Law Firms directory online. Not only do they offer this unique service as an exclusive listing for law firms across the country, they also provide news articles from around the nation. Workers Compensation Law resource center includes a user-friendly interface, frequently asked questions, statistical data, and a 24-hour emergency assistance program.

Workzone Safety Information Clearinghouse

Contains safety equipment reports, agency memos, crash/accident and occupational injury statistics, downloadable research and technical publications, links to safety standard resources, training resources, and safety equipment manufacturer database. Work Zone Safety Standards and Practices database includes records of state work zone legislation, specifications, special provisions, construction manuals, and overviews of state and other organizations' work zone safety practices.

Wyoming Department of Employment, OSHA

Provides information about compliance, consultation, and safety and health programs; training calendar; forms; online technical assistance request form; fatality statistics; safety alerts; federal and state OSHA standards; catalog of video materials available on loan. Contains draft sample Health and Safety Program for Construction for compliance with Wyoming Construction Rules and Regulations.

Wyoming Department of Employment, Workers' Safety and Compensation Division

Contains contact information for injury reporting and employer services; claim guide and employee handbook; worker's compensation rules and regulations; information on free loss control services, including cost-benefit analysis of a company's worker's compensation data; information on premium discount program, which allows rate discounts for companies that demonstrate reduced injuries and cost of injuries. Provides billing guidelines, district office listings, links to publications, forms, applications and statewide average monthly wage.


Legal stuff: This material is for training purposes only. Its purpose is to inform employers of best practices in occupational safety and health and general OSHA compliance requirements. This material is not, in any way, a substitute for any provision of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 or any standards issued by OSHA.

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Geigle Safety Group, Inc. 1915 NW AmberGlen Parkway, Suite 400, Beaverton, OR 97006. 971.217.8721